How to remove ads - Adaway apk

How to remove ads from Android. It is not hard as you think. But there are is one thing you should know. You can easily remove ads from any Android app or game if your phone is rooted. This good news is for rooted Android users. If you phone isn't rooted yet you can try kingoroot apk . Want to remove annoying ads from Android. Remove ads from apps and games for free using adaway apk . This ad blocking apps uses the host files to maintain ad sources. Using this host files all ad requests are blocked. Adaway generates the host files with ad hosts. So when an app requests an ad to be shown it will redirec to localhost and return nothing at all. So there are no ads to be shown. No more video ads that hang you up. Get rid of popup ads. It will save your valuable time spend on closing and watching useless ads. Adaway is the far most known app that can do its job at best. Unlike other ad removing apps this app can block ads without causing errors or blocking websites and ...